No theological statement is all-encompassing but we strive to be consistent and intentional in communicating the things that we believe as a church body. Please review this statement of our beliefs and if you have any questions we would love to talk to you about them!
God is the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth and all things seen and unseen.
Jesus Christ is God’s only Son, our Lord, and Savior
Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary
Jesus was crucified, dead and buried and on the third day God raised him from the dead
The Holy Spirit is the presence of God living within believers
The Bible is God’s Word, inerrant (without error) in its original languages and it is our authority for faith and life.
Every individual has the right to interpret the Bible for themselves and communicate with God personally.
In the interest of civil and religious liberty, the church and state should be separate, so that neither is under the control of the other.
The ordinance of “Believers Baptism” by immersion.
The ordinance of “The Lord’s Supper.”
The complete autonomy of the local church.
Because we are born with a sinful nature and choose to disobey God by living only for ourselves, we are in need of salvation.
Faith is trusting in God’s provision for our lives now and for eternity.
Promote, support, and be active in missions and evangelism worldwide.
A person becomes a Christian by the confession of his/her sins, believing that Jesus died on the cross as a personal sacrifice for them, asking Jesus to take control of his/her heart (moral center) and repenting (promising with the help of the Holy Spirit) to go a different direction for the rest of their lives.
All believers are called to extend unconditional selfless love, unconditional grace, unconditional mercy (forgiveness) and unconditional generosity to each other and to the world.